To grow one must have G.O.A.L.S, How do you set and achieve goals? G.O.A.L.S stands for G.rowth produces the best version of who you’re meant to be in life. O.pportunity will knock, but if you’re not present and prepared then it will be lost. A.ction is the act of doing, implementing, excuting and getting it done so you don’t lose the opportunity. L.ove is what you need at the foundation, core to construct your bedrock life of fulfillment. S.ignificance is what you create, architect, engineer and build to leave a legacy that is timeless. Learning how to set G.O.A.L.S. in your life, allows for you to love more, serve with conviction, live for a greater purpose, make a difference and lead the life you deserve.
How do we take our disadvantages and fears and turn them into our advantage? Fear is meant to be an igniter, but it is also designed to protect you at times so you don’t get burned when the fire is upon you. Let’s break down F.E.A.R so you can rely on it during moments when fear tries to corrupt, paralyze, and steal what God has already ordained for you. F.aith E.nergy A.ction R.esolve. Overcoming your F.E.A.R. enables you to become the leader you were called to become.
Sometimes you must be courageous to get out of the boat and walk on water. You must trust unconditionally and press forward to pursue destiny. At one point we dissected the word ACT to provide another way for you to become a leader. It stands for: A.ttitude to be positive, optimistic and grateful for everything because God never allows pain to go to waste. C.ommitment to see it through, no matter what comes your way even if you fail. T.rust the process that is afforded to you anchored in faith. You must be willing to take action, commit for change, and trust that God has a plan for you.

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